Riedel Kreativ Arts, LLC
“13, Oh Beautiful for Heroes Proved”
Mixed Media on Wood Panel, 3’ X 6’8”
© Copyright Daniel Hill Riedel, Riedel Kreativ Arts, LLC All Rights Reserved.
The main elements and colors of 13 – Oh Beautiful for Heroes Proved are from the lyrics of America the Beautiful and Old Glory—the American flag. And two elements, which specifically represent the 13 who fell in Afghanistan August 26, 2021.
First of all, as a part of my Psalms Hymns Spiritual Songs series, I chose landscape as the motif for the composition, which is consistent with the series of paintings to date.
The style I chose is abstract realism. Meaning: An Art form that is a marriage of two contradictory terms, Abstract art and Realistic art. Abstract art is created through patterns, colors, texture and line without the need for an external, objective motivation or reference point. Realistic art on the other hand consists of images and objects that aim to specifically replicate nature.
The landscape represents America the Beautiful with its spacious skies, amber waves of grain, purple mountain majesties and its fruited plains.
The light beaming down from the sky through the middle of the mountains symbolizes God shedding His grace on America. As the light touches the land, it does so with 13 rays beaming to kiss the amber waves of grain. [As a note: I did not plan this, it just happened. While I painted this area I suddenly stopped, stood back and stared at it…and then I counted them and discovered to my surprise that there were 13!]
The 13 beams of light match the 13 gold stars in the sky, which were an intentional part of the composition to represent these fallen heroes and all the fallen of this long conflict which began with the attacks against America on our soil, September 11, 2001.
The Gold Star represents the loss of a service member in combat—a memorial remembrance for the families of the fallen. More than 7,000 American service members have been killed in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq alone since September 11, 2001. More than 16,000 have died of other causes during that time. Gold Star families have borne these great losses.
Additionally, the colors of the American flag are predominant in the composition. The Blue is in the spacious skies. The Red and White flow from the background—where the mountains converge, and God’s divine light of grace sheds its beams down on us—and moves dynamically through the amber waves of grain to the foreground.
The red, white and blue colors represent specific characteristics that define America…
RED: Hardiness and Valor
WHITE: Purity and Innocence
BLUE: Vigilance, Perseverance, Justice
I like the immediacy of this approach and the dynamic energy that comes from it in both the act of painting and its result. I sensed this while painting it.
An American tragedy happened on August 26, 2021 in Afghanistan. In the midst of a failing withdrawal, a terrorist bombed the Abbey Gate at the Afghanistan Airport in Kabul, killing 13 of our brave service men and women. They were helping others escape to safety when they paid the ultimate sacrifice. Many others were wounded, both military and civilians, as well as other civilians who were killed.
It was an avoidable, unacceptable and horrific act! During the prior 18 months, not one American life was lost, in my opinion, due to strong leadership and resolve.
This event, and these 13 stand as a symbol for all time—first of all for all who fought in the 20+ year Global War on Terrorism. And for all those brave men and women who were wounded or gave the ultimate sacrifice of their lives.
These are all, “Heroes proved in liberating strife, who more than self their country loved, and mercy more than life…”
I watched these events unfold in horror and anger last year. For me it was “Deja Vue all over again.” I well remember the fall of Saigon in 1974 during my first year of college. My draft card number would be up in the next lottery for the next draft. Anxious about the possibility of being picked—even though patriotic—Vietnam was the last place on earth I wanted to go at that time. I had seen too much…
Born in 1955, I grew up with the Vietnam war. Some of my earliest memories are of the black and white images of the war on TV. In the fourth grade our teacher had our class adopt POWs as pen pals. We each wore a silver brace with our soldier’s name engraved on it. I remember writing the letters with my classmates. I don’t remember what I wrote, but I do remember the experience.
I believe that this became such a constant part of my experience for such a long time I became numb to it—like most Americans I was greatly relieved and welcomed its ending—even though the way that ended was unwelcome and tragic.
There is a strong parallel between the Vietnam War and the fall of Saigon and the War on Terror and the withdrawal from Afghanistan.
So, as I watched yet another war lost and a failed withdrawal, I felt a deep sense of helplessness. I wanted to do something to help—to find a way to contribute but didn’t know immediately how…
I received a text from my friend that there was going to be a memorial vigil on the town square in Milan, Ohio to honor Max Soviak and the others who died. Max lived in Berlin Heights and graduated from Edison High School in Milan.
During this gathering, I received my prompting and inspiration to do a painting to commemorate these “Heroes Proved”. A vision of the image that would become my painting came to me as we sang, “America the Beautiful” especially the third verse as well as the first.
O beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country love
And mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness,
And every gain divine!
O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
This painting also seemed to be an excellent fit for my series: Psalms Hymns Spiritual Songs.
My initial prompting was to accomplish specific goals with this work.
First, for it to become a symbol of honor and remembrance of these 13 Heroes Proved and all those proved in this liberating strife. Part of that is that people will not forget what happened in the Afghanistan withdrawal or for the past 20+ years.
Second, to generate money to be donated to charities helping the families of the fallen as well as the wounded and their families.
One of my favorite American artists, illustrators is Norman Rockwell. His Four Freedoms paintings were used to generate more than $100 Mil for the WWII effort. Art is a powerful medium to capture and inspire the hearts of men and women. My hope and prayer is that my painting can in a similar way make a positive contribution.
One of my favorite quotes about purpose and value of art is by Arnold Friberg. He is the artist who painted the famous painting of George Washington…The Prayer at Valley Forge.
"Art is always at its best when serving a cause greater than the artist."
This is my guiding principle for this painting, and God willing, all my work.
“Art is always at its best when serving a cause greater than the artist.”
-Arnold Friberg, American Illustrator & Painter
I hope and pray that 13 – Oh Beautiful for Heroes Proved will become a symbol of remembrance and commemoration, not only for these 13 but for all the fallen and their Gold Star families as well as the wounded.
REMEMBER: We must not forget the failed withdrawal from Afghanistan, which led to the death of these 13 heroes proved and many others wounded; as well the many who were left behind, still trapped behind enemy lines. The result is the rise of the Taliban, the oppression of the Afghani people—most particularly of their women and girls, and the rise of terrorists using the billions of dollars of our military equipment left behind. This is not consistent with the American spirit and character that I know and love. And it should not happen again!
COMMEMORATE: We must honor, show respect, and celebrate the lives of those who more than self their country loved, and mercy more than life and bravely made the ultimate sacrifice to defend our God-given freedoms. Freedom truly is not free!
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