In The Beginning, God Created...

In The Beginning, God Created...

Sale Price:$47.00 Original Price:$97.00

First Edition Book Plate Prints
Limited Edition: 145

Image Size: 8" x 11.5"
Matte Size: 16” x 20”

Original Art: Mixed media on board; colored pencil + pen and ink

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. - Genesis 1:1

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And The Lord God Formed Man Of The Dust Of The Ground…

And The Lord God Formed Man Of The Dust Of The Ground…

Sale Price:$47.00 Original Price:$97.00
God Made Two Great Lights To Rule The Day And The Night

God Made Two Great Lights To Rule The Day And The Night

Sale Price:$47.00 Original Price:$97.00
Full Size Giclee, Gallery Wrap Print–And God Said, "Let birds fly above the earth"

Full Size Giclee, Gallery Wrap Print–And God Said, "Let birds fly above the earth"

Sale Price:$137.00 Original Price:$197.00
God Separated The Waters From The Dry Land

God Separated The Waters From The Dry Land

Sale Price:$47.00 Original Price:$97.00
God Said, "Let the earth bring forth vegetation."

God Said, "Let the earth bring forth vegetation."

Sale Price:$47.00 Original Price:$97.00